Wednesday, December 15, 2004

magic medicine

i attended a seminar last tuesday, on a product that claims to be a cure for all forms of maladies. i was skeptical at first. i did some background research on its working principle (systemic enzyme therapy) and found that it has promise. i came with an open mind and quite ready to believe anything.

i turns out that cure is an extract derived from the inedible parts of fruits - papaya and pineapple skins, grape seed, etc. - claimng that the enymes derived from these will augment the homeostatic nature of the body (disease being an abnormality in the body)

however, the lecturer overdid his bit. instead reinforcing my hopes, he aroused my skepticism. after the 3 hour seminar, i was firmly convinced that the whole thing was a joke. darn.

this weekend, i and my father will go to a place in tarlac. someone there claims the same thing, but under more implausible contexts. i wouldn't hold my breath though.


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